Tech Arsenal 2
Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).iso
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█████ dBase and Database Utilities
█████ Path: \DBASE
123EXP.ZIP 38504 01-07-94 Example of reading/writing a Lotus 123 Works
123UTILV.ZIP 18332 03-11-94 Dbf File With Spreadsheet Add-On
A4SCRLBX.ZIP 8333 03-12-94 An Alpha 4 script file for button box
ABCSHR.ZIP 110006 07-08-94 Abc's of ms access 2.0.
AC20.ZIP 18636 06-11-94 AreaFind 2.0 This freeware program finds an
area code, and where it is, in United States,
Canada, and Virgin Islands. Fast, and easy.
ADBOOK12.ZIP 89573 06-11-94 Adr Book v1.2: simple MS-Windows database pgm
that prints a very handy address booklet (4 "
x 5 "), mailing labels, envelopes, and
several reports; mailing labels can be
printed by zip code order & w/all capital
letters for the name and address and more;
06/11/94; Michael Gardner.
ADDRDB20.ZIP 98316 07-20-94 Address Database v2.0: MS-Windows pgm for
managing names/addresses that allows
unlimited notes about each name in the
address database; print mailing labels, file
folders, phone lists, address books on
standard or Day Timer paper, holiday lists;
keep a "To Do" list; import/export names &
addresses to/from other software packages &
more; VBRUN200.DLL is required; 07/20/94;
Steve Miller/ Pragmatic Software Co.
ADMIN.ZIP 1094132 05-16-94 A Free-Form Database For Text & Images.
ADVANC.ZIP 52025 02-02-94 Advanced CDD Application... Requires CDD 300
ALBM802.ZIP 378271 06-19-94 AlbumMaster 8.02 <ASP> Helping you *Master
your Album Library. There is no substitute
for the real thing! Max flexibility, 3 user
defined fields per title, UNLIMITED Tunes per
side. Out puts to printer/ screen/ file.
Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Find! on
every field or combination, even Tune! From
Unicorn Software Ltd.
ALLPHON.ZIP 37023 02-06-94 Allphone.MDB - contains a phone dialing
routine for MS Access to be used in
telemarketing applications.
AMLWIN20.ZIP 487208 06-28-94 The ALL MEDIA LIBRARY for Windows 2.0! AML is
a database for keeping track of all types of
media such as video tapes, CDs, disks,
albums, etc.... AML also tracks who you've
loaned your stuff out to. MANY features and
VERY simple to use. From Latshaw Software!
2.0 adds even MORE features that users
suggested. Including SORTING, IMPORT &
EXPORTING of Libraries, Search by catalog
number, PRINTING, and MORE!!!!
ANNUIT.ZIP 17806 11-03-93 PERS function from Fin Lem rewritten in Clar
API425.ZIP 3736 10-08-93 Individual path for the API from 3.004 to 3.
API7.ZIP 4499 01-26-94 Update Library API from 3.005 to 3.007
API9.ZIP 4919 06-27-94 Update Library API From Ver 3.007 To 3.009
AUNX11.ZIP 354995 06-02-94 AudioNexus 1.1 RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for collections of audio cassettes, CD's,
LP's, DCC's, MiniDiscs and other formats.
Attractive visually-oriented environment.
Report writer plus album labels. 9 sort
command options. On-line docs, calculator and
text-search facility. Mouse/EMS support; wide
choice of printers. Any video. AudioNexus is
a very popular program worldwide.
Registration: $15.00.
AUTOPU.ZIP 6522 09-26-93 AutoPull Down Menus for 3.004
BARCOD.ZIP 2825 01-18-94 Source to produce Code 39 on a LaserJet
BASE94.ZIP 79723 04-30-94 V-Base is a set of Database files
BB12DEXE.ZIP 584621 02-05-94 Blackbook v1.2 Personal Information Manager
BBDO43.ZIP 1216948 04-07-94 B&B Systems DOALL v4.3 - with the FoxPro
runtime files. Advanced Shareware Front End
for any dBase/FoxPro/Alpha4/compatible
database. Uses SQL technology for SPEED! MORE
BBPV3.ZIP 120995 09-02-93 Black Book Plus 3.0 Rotary address database
BEVSY108.ZIP 308274 03-30-94 BEAVSYS Ver 1.08 A Scouts CANADA specific
data base program. Slick Troop Fund Raiser
BLTW110.ZIP 164840 08-18-94 [Bullet for Windows 1.10] is a super-fast,
super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF,
transaction-based, multi-user database
toolkit for Windows compilers.
BOOKBS41.ZIP 84195 03-28-94 BookBase v4.1 for Book Collectors! RAD
Software PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
If you have a lot of books, you'll love
BookBase! This latest version is loaded with
powerful features: * Mouse-aware VGA GUI that
runs in DOS, Windows, and even OS/2! *
Powerful user-defined searching and
sub-listing options * Flexible printing
options with business quality reports. *
Prints identification labels * Complete
on-line manual * Many more features BookBase
can even maintain business libraries (up to
10,000 volumes)
BRITINT1.ZIP 26596 03-03-94 A Members Interest Database Using Q&a
BSPDEMO.ZIP 160080 04-29-94 The BEST professional database stat manager
around. Full working demo. If you are looking
for a BB stat manager, look no more!
BTRIEV.TXT 5667 04-23-94 Btrieve Command Line Switches (From Clarion U
C7101.ZIP 242740 02-02-94 Complete Template upgrade from CDD 3.007 to
C7105.ZIP 251576 03-02-94 Complete Template upgrade fro CDD to 3007.10
CAL94E12.ZIP 167662 08-29-94 CAL94E V1.2 Calendar and Information Manager,
Aug 94. Schedule appointments and store other
one-time or recurring events. Spans years
1800 through 2099. Store names & addresses,
single-screen notes. Many support functions,
mouse, printing, easy navigation with menus.
Features selection of most data rather than
keying! Also calculator, autodialer. 246K,
DOS 3.0, video card. Registration $23.
CARDMG16.ZIP 266946 07-29-94 Sport Card Management 1.6 Powerful System Fo
Organizing Collection
CARDSHOP.ZIP 163857 06-08-94 Full working verison of the Ever popular
Cardshop - sportcard inventory system. easy
to use, menu driven. keep track of your
CASM901.ZIP 385474 07-03-94 CassetteMaster 9.01 <ASP> Helping you *Master
your Cassette library.The BeZt tape cataloger
on the market! Max flexibility,3 user fields
& 2 U Boxes per title, up to 51 lines of
Tunes per side. Out puts to printer/ screen/
file. Audio Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can
Find! on every field or combination, even
Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd.
CATALIST.ZIP 620426 03-12-94 C A T A L I S T Comprehensive list-manager.
Built-in database features. Frontend for most
WP-systems. Creates labels,envelopes
Rolodex-cards. Many reports. Detects both
Exact-and-Near-duplicates, formats addresses
for 160 countries, excellent printer
controls.Limitless abilities to select-&-sort
data. Bar Coding,import/export from other DBs.
CATDOS.ZIP 16862 06-22-94 CatDOS - is a FoxPro v2.0 application to
convert TAPCIS-compatible CIS catalog files
with the .CAT extension into an xBase
database with the DBF extension.
CATWN146.ZIP 18417 07-24-94 Catdos.App v1.46: small FoxPro/Win project
that converts TAPCIS-compatible CIS catalog
files with the CAT extension into an xBase
database with the DBF extension; 07/24/94;
Jeff Bankston.
CDDEX.ZIP 567631 05-30-94 CD Tracking Database reqs vbrun200.dll.
CDD_UTIL.ZIP 12684 01-11-94 CDD3 DOS Functions Library
CDM852.ZIP 380443 05-19-94 CDMaster 8.52 <ASP> Helping you *Master your
CD Library.It does what other catalogers only
dream of! Max flexibility (3 user defined
fields per title, 2 per tune, 2 U Boxes).
UNLIMITED Tunes per title. Outputs to
printer/screen/file. Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex
cards. Can Find CD! on every field or combo,
even Tune! From Unicorn Software Ltd.
CDMNGR.ZIP 207298 04-08-94 CD Manager Catalogues Your Music Collection.
CELLNX10.ZIP 348062 03-13-94 CellarNexus 1.0 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for personal or business- related wine cellar
collections. More extensive data options than
other wine programs. Attractive
visually-oriented environment. 9 sort command
options. Reports, on-line docs, calculator,
searches. Mouse/EMS support; wide choice of
printers. Any video; hard disk req.
Shareware; registration fee: $15.00.
CLNTRAKG.ZIP 33371 05-02-94 Client Tracking Database This Database keeps
track of all your Clients' (or Associates)
Address, Company, Title and Phone Numbers
including: Home, Work, Fax, Cellular, BBS and
more! Now you can always get in contact with
those you need to. This database requires
Windows 3.1 or above and Paradox for Windows
4.5 or above. There's a whole world of
utilities in BBS files. The Best Shareware of
1994 has arrived!
CLRCUBE.ZIP 184926 10-31-94 ColorCube - color coding of specific ranges
of data
COINMG16.ZIP 250699 07-29-94 Coin Management 1.6 Powerful System For
Organizing Collection
COINNX11.ZIP 350807 05-11-94 CoinsNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for individual or professional collections of
coins. Attractive visually- oriented
environment. Report writer plus coin packet
labels. 7 sort command options. On-line docs,
calculator and text-search facility.
Mouse/EMS support; wide choice of printers.
Any video; hard disk req. Registration:
COLO94C.ZIP 531834 04-30-94 COLORADO VACATION SOURCE 94.c The ultimate
sourcebook on Colorado recreations and
entertainment! A self-reader .exe for IBM
pcs/clones. Lodging, dining, tours, sports,
all the addresses & phone numbers that
matter! Call our BBS at 800-868-7555 for more
info. and help when planning a visit to
colorful Colorado.
COMPLOG.ZIP 136677 09-11-94 Release 1.00a of CompuLog A full-featured
graphic file database program which allows
you to catalog all your images from hard,
floppy, and CD-ROM disks into a single
searchable database. View any file by
selecting it from a screen full of thumbnail
images. Requires DOS 3 and VGA. Vesa SVGA and
at least a 386 are recommended. ShareWare
evaulation version limited to 250 images.
COMPS204.ZIP 59638 05-31-94 The Realtor Comps Data Base Manager
CONG303K.ZIP 1514519 02-03-94 Congressional Database And Contact System New
Version 303k
CONVR403.ZIP 133251 03-31-94 CONVERT.EXE: Converts between data formats:
FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (commas between
fields and quotes around strings), and fixed
field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase,
and fixed field.
CPADR101.ZIP 27869 02-14-94 = The Cyber Punk's Address Book v1.01 = Keep
track of those hard to remember network mail
addresses with this e-mail information
manager. Includes autosave, delete/undelete,
and printing functions. You'll never loose
track of an important "Cyber Punk" again!
Released 02/04/1994.
CTREE11.ZIP 250787 03-17-94 THE CALLING TREE v1.2 A relational database
program for maintaining tree like
organizational data. For organizations like
network marketing, emergency contract, or
political party matrixes. Registration $39.
CTRL.ZIP 1548 10-17-93 Clarion 2.1 code to turn off Sticky Control
CUBMAT12.ZIP 265297 03-01-94 Cubmate v1.2 is the most comprehensive
pack/den database available. Offers such
things as: 9 pages per scout, adult leader
tracking, mail merge, several reports, book
inventory module, pack/den inventory and
financial modules, permission slips and a
great deal more. Very user-friendly and
supported very well.
CWARP.ZIP 116023 11-08-93 Warplink Shell. Need Mitten OM and Warplink
DARE16.ZIP 986244 06-13-94 DAREBASE VER. 1.60 <ASP> Windows DBMS-
Windows DBMS, uses and/or creates Microsoft
Access compatible database files (*.MDB).
Great Access front end, or stand alone DBMS.
Supports Access 2.0 files. Database
DB312.ZIP 191030 06-09-94 DB - CONTACT MANAGER / dBASE III (Plus)
Generic Database Manager. Create, sort, edit,
browse, export, import, phone call
management, etc. You DO NOT NEED dBASE for
this to run. From the author of RAD, OMENU,
DBC15.ZIP 151879 03-18-94 ConQuest Database Conversion 1.5 Convert
dBase, Paradox, Comma-Delimited, Fixed
Length, ASCII Line Feed Files to any of the
above types. Allows changes to the output
fields. Such as, Change Field Size, Insert
Blank Fields and combine fields. SHAREWARE
DBDEF1.ZIP 1196252 05-27-94 DB*dbf - is a Windows-based mouse driven
database management tool for Watcom SQL . It
allows you to create, delete or modify the
following database elements without any SQL:
tables, columns and columns attributes,
primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, users
and groups. Requires VBRUN300.
DBENG3.ZIP 161761 02-26-94 DBEngine - is a custom control interface to
the Paradox Engine 3.x. It allows VB and
Visual C++ programmers to build multi-user
network-compatible database management
applications. This is compatible with VB 1.0,
2.0, and 3.0 and Visual C++ 1.0.
DBF061A.ZIP 640989 02-18-94 DBFModifer v0.61A From S&S Software Copy,
Edit, Join, Append, Zap any DBF file easily
with this program. Export DBF files to Excel,
Lotus, Symphony and many other popular
programs. Requires: 286 +, 512K RAM, EGA/VGA
Registration is CHEAP! Only $15
DBF2DC.ZIP 34349 01-28-94 Import DBF file structure into CDD DCT file
DBFVIE.ZIP 14311 11-04-93 Program written to display DBase III data an
DBQ101.ZIP 30232 10-30-93 dBASE III Message Query System. All *.MSG sy
DBV123.ZIP 47518 04-06-94 DBV-DBF View v1.23: simple viewer for taking
quick looks inside dBASE-compatible DBF files
in record & browse modes; does single-field,
scan-across searches; file header info,
including field definitions
DB_XL_VB.ZIP 6372 04-14-94 DB-XL VB Win. Example: How To Transfer Data
From Database To Excel Spreadsheet
DDFILE66.ZIP 339210 04-21-94 =-> DOCTOR DATA SOFTWARE <=- presents DDFile
v6.06 DDFile is a powerful and very
comprehensive M for both the professional and
beginner. DDFil as a general purpose database
manager and dat
DEVC93.ZIP 14796 10-04-93 Bruce Barrington's 1993 DevCon Remarks
DIALIT.ZIP 220501 09-25-93 Dial it Pro 2.0 Desktop dialer and log
DIR2QUEU.ZIP 10438 01-26-94 Read directory of files into Clarion 3.0 Que
DMAIL6.ZIP 245801 07-06-94 DMAIL v6.0 - A very friendly mailing list
manager with many advanced features. Easy to
use with pull-down menus and online help.
Import and export addresses. Print labels,
envelopes and rolodex cards. Print PostNet
bar codes. Use standard label sizes on either
dot matrix or laser printers. Make master
lists and sub-lists. Copy addresses between
lists. Has user-defined field which can be
printed with addresses.
DOCEMBED.ZIP 235423 03-14-94 Print Embeded Codes In Selected Modules
DOCSCR.ZIP 283457 02-25-94 Document Screen Structures Defined In CLA Mo
DOCSNX11.ZIP 347345 03-26-94 DocumentsNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research
Recordkeeping for professional, institu-
tional, or corporate collections of docu-
ments or projects development records.
Attractive visually-oriented environment. 9
sort command options. Report writer. On-line
docs, calculator and text-search facility.
Mouse/EMS support; wide choice of printers.
Any video; hard disk req. Shareware;
registration fee: $25.00.
DOS_SV.ZIP 4593 03-12-94 Many Useful DOS File Functions For CPD 2.1
DPVIDEO.ZIP 17436 08-09-94 DataPerfect 2.3 Video database to keep track
of your personal videotape collection.
Modifiable by user. Requires DataPerfect 2.3
DTSD.ZIP 394311 06-02-94 dtSearch 2.03 for DOS: Full-text retrieval
for all major word processors. Indexed and
unindexed searches (unlimited indexing
capacity); wildcard, boolean, phrase and
proximity searches; network support;
international language support; built-in
editor; application launching; mouse. DOS 3.3
or higher. ASP Shareware ($99).
DV10B2.ZIP 83699 03-09-94 Dbvu 1.0 B2. Browse Multiple .dbf (xbase)
DVER.ZIP 66977 06-20-94 dVERSION is a program that will conditionally
allows the programmer to have many versions o
source code. In addition, dVERSION offers an
insert code from specified files. ASP approv
DXIM170.ZIP 632756 03-24-94 DXIM v170 - A GREAT information manager.
Written in Clipper with xBase compatible
databases. Very FAST. Shareware.
EB17.ZIP 891470 05-27-94 EASY BASE VERSION 1.7 <ASP> Data Management
System- Easy Base is a full featured, fully
relational data management system, simple
enough for a beginner to operate yet powerful
enough to create professional data management
programs in a fraction of the time required
in most other systems. Database Applications
EB4.ZIP 916036 10-31-94 EASY BASE V4.0 <ASP> - Rapid Application
Developer (RAD) for data management. - Easy
Base is the first true RAD system to be
available on shareware. Create sophisticated
menu driven apps in record time. Applications
created in Easy Base can be sold as stand
alone programs with the Easy Base Runtime
Module (not Included). Database Applications
ECPAGE.ZIP 296204 11-27-93 An easy to use PCL design program
EGOLFR10.ZIP 354345 04-18-94 ECHO GOLF REPORTER 1.0 Golf Statistics For In
EMBED.ZIP 301633 02-05-94 List & compare #PROMPTs and #EMBEDs in Clari
EM_1293.ZIP 28021 02-26-94 Dbf File With Over 1000 E-Mail Addresses Of
Pc Companies
EPAGE.TXT 6783 12-04-93 A description file of ECPage.Zip
ER304.ZIP 202437 03-10-94 EDITRAND v3.04 <ASP> - EditRand is a data
file editor capable of editing any data file
whose records are all the same length. Flat
files, dBASE III, or any with proprietary
header. Typical editor functions. Focus on
field or record range. Text, hex, binary
numeric operations. Insert/delete fields.
Case conversions. Max file size 2 GB. Max
record size 1600 bytes (any monitor), 3040
(EGA), 3600 (VGA).
ETPL.ZIP 295605 10-25-93 Template editor for CDD
EXTERN.ZIP 2448 11-15-93 External file attribute workaround for conve
EXT_DLL.ZIP 259231 05-03-94 Using External On Files And Variables In Dll's
EZDB.ZIP 57406 06-10-94 EZDB - is an incredibly easy-to-use database
for Windows. It lets you define your own
fields by specifying the types of information
you want to track (text, time, numbers, etc).
Once created, you can easily add, modify, or
print the information.
F3006.ZIP 4485 10-21-93 correct files for some that may not have pat
F3009.ZIP 65073 06-24-94 Problem Files Which Didn't Patch For Many In
FASTFILE.ZIP 127640 06-24-94 FASTFILE V5.45 <ASP> Pick from
Checkbook,Client List,Billing,+- If you like
it name a new file and enter data. Add/delete
fields or create a new file. Works
with/without WINDOWS. Does mailing labels! A
user wrote: 'The full range of
functions,size,and ease-of-use set FASTFILE
far above every product I've tried.' Database
Applications RD (MONTE) BENHAM
FDB404DB.ZIP 462118 04-12-94 EZ-Forms DataBase v.4.04db Fully relational &
user friendly database & FORMS processor.
Fully relational and user friendly. Uses .DBF
format, user help & pick lists make fill-out
i.... proof. Field look-up & field sequence
(tab) scheduling. 10 apps, reports, incl.
Multi-user & LAN versions available. Only $99
Other Licn. Available for low $ EZX P&D, Box
58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
FE5A.ZIP 365412 05-28-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 1 of 3 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FE5B.ZIP 353674 05-28-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FE5C.ZIP 357652 05-28-94 File Express 5.1 <ASP> Disk 3 of 3 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FILED371.ZIP 24389 07-24-94 FILEDUMP 3.71 Browse/View, Print, Search
Extract records. Output can be sent to
screen, printer, disk file, .dbf (xBASE), or
comma delimited file. Allows viewing any
MS-DOS file in ASCII, HEX, or EBCDIC. Will
handle large files up to 1GB and records up t
14000 characters. Instant Access to any dBase
compatible database. You can even create your
own database subset. Shareware from World
Wide Enterprises, 13084 Townsend Road, Phila.
PA 19154-1001
FILEIT20.ZIP 237524 03-07-94 FileIt v2.00 - Freeform database that is
ultra-easy to use, even for the novice. No
setup, just store records of just about
anything! Like flicking through the pages of
a book, your index is always on screen. The
search facility allows you to find a string
(word) anywhere. Has full mouse support,
on-line help, support for dot matrix and
laser printers, drop down menus. Multiple
databases supported. Req HDD. Registration
A$30 or US$26 incl shipping.
FIN425.ZIP 49575 10-08-93 Individual patch for the finance lib from 3.
FIN7.ZIP 43707 01-25-94 Upgrade CDD Finance library from 3.005 to 3.
FIRE_152.ZIP 159424 10-10-93 FireFighter v1.52 Fire Department data base
FOXKB594.ZIP 797819 05-02-94 FoxPro Knowledge Base from 5/94 from
Microsoft BBS. Windows help format. Contains
info for DOS, Windows and MAC versions of
FoxPro thru 2.6
FOX_FIX.ZIP 613767 04-07-94 Fox Pro Update/Fix from Microsoft BBS
PATCH.EXE will upgrade the following files:
16-bit FoxPro for DOS FOXPROX.EXE 32-bit
FoxPro for DOS FOXPROW.EXE FoxPro for Windows
FP26_26A.ZIP 2989 10-04-94 This file contains the current list of files
required to patch version 2.6 of of FoxPro,
FoxPro add-ons and the FoxPro Distribution
Kits to the latest version, which is FoxPro
FPW.ZIP 256261 10-15-94 Patch for FoxPro/Win v2.6 -> v2.6a (version
without distribution kit)
FPW_DK.ZIP 423566 10-15-94 FoxPro v2.6 -> v2.6a Update Patch (version
including distribution kit)
GENS.ZIP 201722 10-15-94 FoxPro v2.6 -> v2.6a Updates for
GLFHCP34.ZIP 65973 01-25-94 GOLFHCAP.EXE v3.4 <ASP><ASAD>- A program to
facilitate scorekeeping and the calculation
of the players Golf Handicap Index in accor-
dance with the new Slope System. The program
will also print Membership Lists, Labels,
Handicap Index Cards, Score Input forms and
Monthly reports. The program will handle 12
groups with as many as 500 golfers in each
group. C & E Associates, 119 Placid Drive,
Fort Myers, FL, 33919-6104 Reg $35.00
GOLFLG91.ZIP 240444 05-07-94 GolfLog v9.1a The Golfer's database. Maintain
stats for 8 Golfers, 50 Courses, 2000 Games.
HANDICAP. Provides Summary for each Golfer
showing 36+ stats. Keeps scorecard for each
game. Provides stats like those maintained
for the PGA touring pros! Now includes
Equitable Stroke Control (ESC).
GRA425.ZIP 7542 10-08-93 Individual patch for the Graphics lib from 3
GRA7.ZIP 61805 01-25-94 Upgrade Clarion Graphics library from 3.005
GROCER36.ZIP 53921 04-30-94 THE GROCER V3.5 GREAT!!! home helper A
grocery shopping database & helper Now stores
500 food items.
GROWIT2B.ZIP 289512 03-07-94 GROWIT MkII (Disk 2 of 2) - A major upgrade
to this very popular gardening program with
databases of 100s of trees, shrubs, bulbs and
plants. Includes plant attributes,
requirements, maintenance etc. Search by
common or botanical names or other criteria.
Superb graphics screens. Menu driven and full
mouse support. Very easy to use. Requires
VGA, HARD DISK with 1.2MB free. Registration
A$40 or US$34 incl shipping.
GSCOUT11.ZIP 306014 03-01-94 G-Scoutmate v1.1 is the most comprehensive
girl scout troop database available. Offers
such things as: 22 pages per scout (tracks
everything), adult leader tracking, mail
merge, several reports, book inventory
module, troop inventory and financial
modules, new try-its, permission slips and a
great deal more. Very user-friendly and
supported very well.
GUI425.ZIP 90607 10-08-93 Individual patch for the GUI from 3.004 to 3
GUI7.ZIP 53177 01-24-94 Upgrade the GUI kit from 3.005 to 3.007
GUICA1.ZIP 30511 10-30-93 GUI calendar demo program
GUICA2.ZIP 23823 10-30-93 Freeware version of pop up calander (require
GUIDOC.ZIP 10009 10-19-93 Updated version with tips on using the CDD G
GUNCK111.ZIP 128306 07-21-94 GUN CHECK v1.11 Storage/Retrieval database
for a firearms collector. Taylored for
Canadian Regulations with pop up warnings for
expiring FAC's or carry permits. Database
size is limited to hard drive size or machine
speed. Supports MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA & mouse. -
July 21, 1994. Shareware from Graham P.
HERB8U.ZIP 392308 01-25-94 Herbology Helper 8.0U a DART based database
of Herb information for medicinal and
magickal usage. This is the Unregistered
DEMO. Full Registered version costs $35 by
mail and includes Numerous additional entries
and files and graphics.
HOME1.ZIP 160349 05-12-94 Smart -N- Easy Home Inventory Manager 1.0 Now
you can organize & categorize everything you
own in 1 simple program. No longer will you
need 1 program for your CD collection, 1
program for your disk library, valuables,
appliances, etc. Handles multiple owners of
items listed. Allows an unlimited number of
categories and locations of items. Requires
640k RAM and a hard disk w/3meg free Released
by Automated Systems, August 1993.
HOME600.ZIP 304580 05-17-94 Organize Your Home -v6 You'll know what you
have, where it is, and what it's worth.
Provides an easy-to-maintain, simple to use
home inventory. Just fill in the blanks! And
it's great for antiques. Fully mouse/menu
operated. Displays PCX. Shareware by:
HOTDB4.ZIP 331206 04-15-94 Red Hot dBASE IV Utility - All in one!
IBM60.ZIP 30453 11-29-93 IBM DOS 6.1 fix for CDD
IDEX200.ZIP 388326 05-26-94 Infodex v2.00 - Multipurpose Database!
Infodex is a versatile database manager used
to keep track of names, addresses, telephone
numbers, and much more! Track insurance
policies, books, computer software, and
bulletin board systems, or use one of our
generic templates to fit your specific needs!
Over a dozen templates! Store more info with
INFOTRE.ZIP 265804 06-02-94 Free form database from the makers of Time
and Chaos.
INTERC.ZIP 4489 11-13-93 Shows how to intercept keys to fields during
INVAPP.ZIP 310781 03-16-94 Partial Invoice Example Using The C3 Template
IPMGR_12.ZIP 568355 06-01-94 IP Manager 1.2 database for tracking internet
addresses, host names, etc. Can be used as a
front-end to FTP, Telnet and other internet
ISAM110.ZIP 320506 02-08-94 ISAM Manager v 1.10. Database Programming
System for C++. Windows, DOS or OS/2. Full
B+Tree/ISAM database system which is really
easy to use. Very fast single-user system!
Multiple indexes per file, multiple fields
per index. Up to 2 billion records per file!
Requires Symantec C++, Borland C++, Microsoft
Visual C++, or Borland C++ OS/2. <ASP>
ITALI1.EXE 452736 11-30-93 IT Aligns version 1.0 demo
ITANA1.EXE 493568 11-30-93 IT Analyzes ver 1.0 demo
ITCOM1.EXE 476160 11-30-93 IT Compares ver 1.0 demo
Full featured Sportscard Inventory System-
Full featured sports card system with
features such as full team su pport, rookie,
goalie, error, premium, first card, last card
flags, four sport categories plus custom,
comprehnsive stats and reports, dual
currency, password protection, custom
information Collecting JEANIUS SOFTWARE
JONESPT2.ZIP 286317 05-21-94 Some more good database samples in FoxPro.
JQCALC10.ZIP 627907 04-12-94 JQCALC FOR WINDOWS v1.0 A full featured
Shareware Windows Spreadsheet Designed to be
compatible with Windows 3.0 and above. All
the standard math functions. Features include
CUT, COPY, PASTE, Column and Row insert and
delete, Auto Sum and Context Sensitive Help
among a host of other features Registration
is only 14.95 (Pounds Serling) plus postage
and packing.
KEEPH1.ZIP 204011 01-07-94 KEEPING TRACK vH.1 also Amazing File Cabinet
KEY10.ZIP 35398 04-23-94 Create Name And Expiration Date Process For
KOMIX385.ZIP 432392 03-28-94 KOMIX INVENTORY SYSTEM (KIS) v3.85 is a
customized database for tracking your comic
book collection. Plenty of detailed comic
book tracking and reports available. Fully
functional Shareware version, no crippling or
feature limitations. Only a $19.95
registration fee. FREE technical support via
e-mail at: GEnie = AKABS Internet =
LIBMAN.ZIP 5941 01-25-94 TopSpeed Library Manager
LIBRAR.ZIP 56708 11-29-93 An assortment of 30 CDD 3.0 functions
LIFLST11.ZIP 285328 02-09-94 Lister 1.1: Birdwatcher's Database
LJKIT1.EXE 199134 12-04-93 Laserjet printing for Clarion Professional D
LLIST12.ZIP 197606 04-11-94 LITTLE LISTS 1.2 Elvis DeKoj <ASP> Simple
database program. Reg: $15.00 Create, view,
print, import, export DBF or comma-delimited
MA0394.ZIP 31003 01-25-94 Reporting dialog box for Paradox for Windows
that allows the user to select the sort order
and range of a report. From March 1994 issue
of Paradox Informant.
MAL.ZIP 465524 06-20-94 The dMAIL4 System is a set of programs design
simple mailing list database. Among the dMAI
ability to run in a Multi-user environment.
by a variety of indices. It can also import/
formats. ASP approved. Note: This is a Foxpro
application and requi Contact C&R Business
Systems Ltd. Comp
MANDER.ZIP 6078 11-13-93 MemForm for 3.0 + Dictionary print utility
Manpower + Manager Data/Statistical
management prog.All Data auto-
matically/extracted from timeshts. Statis
Reports update with each timesht. Prints
Check List/automatically inserts
Employees/Slect/ Job descrp./from List
Factors over time. + Much More
MAN_FI.ZIP 14163 11-13-93 CDD manual corrections ready to paste into m
MCB11E.ZIP 132658 06-01-94 MCBASE V1.1E <ASP> Relational Music
Collection dataBase system- MCBase is a
relational database system for music
collections, giving you full access to your
collection, onscreen or on hardcopy. MCBase
is an executable (Pascal) and is using the
dBase .DBF file standard. Needs 512kB conv.
memory & MS-DOS. Collecting HARRY DOLDERSUM
MDB41.ZIP 1060698 07-17-94 Music Database System 4.01 Database System
For Large Music Collections
MDPERL22.ZIP 345750 05-07-94 M.D. Pearls 2.2 Over 10,000 Medical &
Computing Acronyms Explained
MED300.ZIP 54757 02-22-94 MEMO Editor for CDD 3.0
MEDIT330.ZIP 36016 08-09-94 MEDITRAK is a medical/dental bill and payment
tracker. It also records your insurance
payments and your own payments. Keeps track
of all of your prescription costs too!
Prevents in- advertent over-payments. Spot
errors from your providers. Organizes your
record-keeping. Produces reports. Get all
your medical costs for Tax time!
MEMARR.ZIP 9234 11-03-93 Example using an Array to print memo. Temp w
MEMBER_.ZIP 256172 04-17-94 Keep track of any organization's members
MENU21.ZIP 205663 11-13-93 Final version of a Clarion shareware menu sy
MLIST160.ZIP 228190 02-04-94 MASTER*LIST 1.60 by Mike Perry/PCS is an extr
simple, yet powerful & flexible database syst
with a wide variety of data formats for stori
everything from names/addresses, telephone li
collections, to sales contacts, help desk dat
journals & free-form notes and much more! ML
contains very advanced search and reporting
option, tons of reports and label formats and
import/export options (including support for
Perfect, WinFax, BitFax, EM2, Ascii, dBase an
other applications!) ML supports over a milli
"lists" each capable of holding over a millio
records. The Shareware version is also FULLY
multiuser and networkable! ML contains dozen
useful features including: duplicate removal,
phone dialer, text notes, follow-up dates,
filtering of records/lists and more! ML can
run from DOS, OS/2 or Windows! What Quicken
for accounting, Master*List does for informat
MOVIEREC.ZIP 73887 03-01-94 Fast Saved Data Retrieval & Alphabetical/Num
MOVIES27.ZIP 1341300 04-03-94 MOVIES TO GO! V2.7 3-Apr-94 Electronic Video
Movie Guide / Video Catalog System for DOS /
Windows. Information on 1,000 films
(registered has 7,000+). Search by category,
actor, director, MPAA rating, key words,
year, setting, characters, objectionable
content, music, box office gross, trivia and
more! 36 pages documentation. "Remarkable
Graphics Interface" PC Plus Magazine. 640K,
VGA. Mouse / sound support. ImagiSOFT, Inc.
by Shareware Industry Association 1994.
MSGBUI21.ZIP 102303 05-12-94 Message Builder 2.01 runs under FoxPro for
DOS or Windows. Facilitates the use of
WMsgBox() without having to call
foxtools.fll. Great stuff!!
MULTI.ZIP 341390 10-25-93 Updated example of multiple Queues on screen
MUT0304.ZIP 68783 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4600+ US mutual and money
market funds in a database that you can
query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
MYB_241.ZIP 311069 03-01-94 MyBASE, 2.41 is a very powerful and easy to
use PC database package! Use it in DOS or
Windows to; view, edit, sort, search, group,
filter, replace, copy/paste, merge, print,
fax or export data in many ways. Includes:
on-line help, password access, programmable
merge utility, automatic swap & run of
external programs, telephone dialer, data
entry validation, quick index and view setup,
etc... < from ARMADA SYSTEMS >
MYCOIN31.ZIP 72473 03-28-94 MyCoins v3.1 for Philatelists! by RAD
Software PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
If you enjoy your coin collection, get
MyCoins! This latest version is loaded with
powerful features: * Maintain up to 10,000
entries * Powerful user-defined searching and
sub-listing options * Flexible printing
options with business quality reports *
Complete on-line manual * Many more features
MyCoins has been used by major coin
organizations since 1989 with great
satisfaction. See for yourself why MyCoins is
the BEST choice to make!
MYMUSC31.ZIP 73307 03-28-94 MyMusic v3.1 for Music Collectors! by RAD
Software PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
If you have a music collection, get MyMusic!
This latest version is loaded with powerful
features: * Maintain up to 10,000 entries *
Powerful user-defined searching and
sub-listing options * Flexible printing
options with business quality reports *
Complete on-line manual * Many more features
Radio stations have been using this program
to maintain their in-house musical libraries.
See for yourself why MyMusic is the BEST
choice to make!
MYSTMP31.ZIP 72206 03-28-94 MyStamps v3.1 for Stamp Collectors! by RAD
Software PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
If you have a stamps collection, get
MyStamps! This latest version is loaded with
powerful features: * Maintain up to 10,000
entries * Powerful user-defined searching and
sub-listing options * Flexible printing
options with business quality reports *
Complete on-line manual * Many more features
Formerly PostBase, MyStamps is a significant
enhancement that gives the serious collector
the database program he/she has been looking
MYVIDS31.ZIP 71314 03-28-94 MyVideos v3.1 for your VCR tape collection,
by RAD Software PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA /
31902 If you have a VCR Tape collection, get
MyVideos! This latest version is loaded with
powerful features: * Maintain up to 10,000
entries * Powerful user-defined searching and
sub-listing options * Flexible printing
options with business quality reports *
Complete on-line manual * Many more features
MyVideos has been used by local TV stations
for their in-house library with great
satisfaction. See for yourself why MyVideos
is the BEST!
NAME32.ZIP 170532 02-13-94 NAMEBASE v3.2 <ASP> - An extremely easy to
use program which keeps track of names, 4
phone numbers, 2 addresses, and very long
notes about individuals or companies. Prints
a pocket-size address book, labels, rolodex
cards, envelopes, and reports. Dials the
phone for you. A mouse is fully supported.
Records are quickly located by typing the
first few letters of a person's name. Holds
multiple lists. VERY intuitive! $25.
NEWUTI.ZIP 54410 02-06-94 Utility Bar For Ms-Access: Intended For
Creating Db Apps
NONLIN31.ZIP 233698 03-13-94 NONLIN v3.1 <ASP> - Nonlinear regression
statistics and curve fitting. Nonlin
determines the values of parameters for an
equation, whose form you specify using
ordinary algebraic notation, that cause the
equation to best fit a set of data values.
Handles linear, multivariate, polynomial, and
general nonlinear equations. Also plots data
and equation. Nonlin is the best shareware
regression program available.
NYSE0304.ZIP 70757 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4300+ stocks on the NYSE
and Amex exchanges in a database that you can
query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
OSHA1-A.ZIP 406634 03-27-94 Disk 1 of 6 Complete OSHA regulations on
disk. Easy to use read / search all OSHA
regulations. Requires all 6 files to run.
Works locally or use as a BBS door. Complete
comm support requires only a DORINFO1.DEF
file. Complete with 3 minute inactivity timer
and carrier watch. This file contains the
exe, doc's and cfg files.
OSHA1-C.ZIP 440063 03-27-94 Disk 3 of 6 Complete OSHA regulations on
disk. Easy to use read / search all OSHA
regulations. Requires all 6 files to run.
Works locally or use as a BBS door. Complete
comm support requires only a DORINFO1.DEF
file. Complete with 3 minute inactivity timer
and carrier watch. This file contains the
exe, doc's and cfg files.
OSHA1-D.ZIP 443683 03-27-94 Disk 4 of 6 Complete OSHA regulations on
disk. Easy to use read / search all OSHA
regulations. Requires all 6 files to run.
Works locally or use as a BBS door. Complete
comm support requires only a DORINFO1.DEF
file. Complete with 3 minute inactivity timer
and carrier watch. This file contains the
exe, doc's and cfg files.
OST142.ZIP 367197 03-18-94 OFFICE SUPPLIES TRACKER v1.42 <ASP> -
Complete office supplies tracking system.
Maintain inventory listings and quantities,
stock locations, generate purchase orders
*and* requisitions, and maintain vendor
listings. Automatically adjusts in-stock
levels when orders are recieved and posted.
Automatic notification when in-stock levels
drop below specified quantities. Includes
Pop-Up Calculator. Shareware $39.
OTC0304.ZIP 137332 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and pink
sheet stocks in a database that you can
query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
OVREXP.ZIP 2360 11-03-93 Files needed for Graphics library for people
P3005.ZIP 2366001 10-08-93 Official Patch to Upgrade from 3.004 to 3.00
P30051.ZIP 32761 10-13-93 Patch to go from 3.005 to 3.0051 (Must be at
P30052.ZIP 15029 10-14-93 Patch to go from P30051 to P30052 (must have
P3005X.ZIP 615010 10-08-93 Official Patch to upgrade the DOS Extender f
P3006.ZIP 575685 10-25-93 Update CDD from 3005.2 to 3.006 (Must be at
P3006X.ZIP 164903 10-25-93 Update from 3005.2 to 3.006 for the CDD DOS
P3007.ZIP 2239543 01-21-94 Clarion patch 3.007 to upgrade from 3.006
P3007X.ZIP 473294 01-21-94 Clarion patch 3.007 to upgrade the DOS exten
P3008.ZIP 120599 03-31-94 Patch From 3007.2 To 3.008
P3008X.ZIP 137683 04-04-94 Update The CDD DOS Extender From 3007.2 To 3.
P3071.ZIP 96345 01-28-94 Upgrade CDD 3.007 to 3.0071
P3072.ZIP 468731 03-14-94 Official CDD Patch To Upgrade From P3071
P3072X.ZIP 520853 03-14-94 Official CDD Dos Extender Patch To Upgrade T
P7101.ZIP 142768 02-02-94 Partial Template update to 3007.101 (Only ch
PB151.ZIP 81904 05-11-94 PhoneBook Database V1.51 Corrects a Minor Bug
Found in V1.50. Phonebook database allows for
multiple phonebooks, performs sorts and
searches. For all x86 computers with
monochrome or higher graphics.
PBLUS.ZIP 18033 03-02-94 B-Plus B-Tree Indexing Program - C Source
Code Included!
PCADS04.ZIP 142764 04-15-94 disk Catalog containing over 600 titles of
the very best shareware programs for your IBM
PDSCAN.ZIP 12230 06-17-94 Utility To Fix FoxPro Header Corruption
PHOTNX11.ZIP 350083 03-13-94 PhotoNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for professional or individual collections of
photographs and related materials. Attractive
visually-oriented environment. Report writer
plus printed filing labels. 5 sort command
options. On-line docs, calculator and
text-search facility. Mouse/EMS support; wide
choice of printers. Any video; hard disk req.
Shareware; registration fee: $15.00.
PLBL_V1.ZIP 144581 05-26-94 ProLabel 1.0 is a powerful mailing list
database organization tool, that lets you
sort, search, update, import and export data
from the program. Labels can be printed to
your laser printer or dot matrix printer.
ProLabel can handle any size database file
and is very fast. Custom mailing list
databases are available from CWW Development
with registration of the program. Any size
mailing list you need is available for over
3100 different business types. Databases
PNEWS.TXT 5598 04-05-94 News On Clarion Patches
POP601.ZIP 299640 05-17-94 Organize Your CD's, Albums & Tapes v6.01
Softw'r for cataloging music. CDs, tapes,
LPs, 45s, and even music vid- eos can all be
cataloged. You'll find the music you want
fast! Easy-to-use and fully menu operated.
Just fill in the blanks. Incl's graphics
displays! Shareware by: HomeCraft
PPQWK115.ZIP 101910 02-15-94 PPoint - Professional Point MODULE Optional
QWK support module allows QWK access using
PPoint's efficient message database system.
By the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
PRINTE.ZIP 193972 11-01-93 Multi printer support demo for Clarion 2.1
PRL130.ZIP 318481 02-16-94 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.30 <ASP> - Computerize
your paper route bookkeeping with this unique
program. Keeps track of customers, addresses,
delivery order, route listing, collections,
billings, tips, etc. Print reports on your
customers, collections, route list, etc. Will
handle multiple Delivery types (i.e. weekly,
weekdays only, weekends only, etc). Handles
direct pay *AND* customers who pay through
the newspaper offices. Shareware $19.
PRNCTL.ZIP 320457 02-01-94 Updates Print Control Files For Clarion
PTOOLS.ZIP 559244 10-08-93 Update the Toolbox from 3.004 to 3.005
PUNCH20.ZIP 87952 01-20-94 Punch v2.0 as reviewed in Feb. PC World
Employee tracking database that tracks
employee locations, return times and more. 5
user version is public domain.
PUNCH210.ZIP 308844 03-07-94 PUNCHLIST 2.10 - Project Completion Software
Now Shareware, Tracks missing or incomplete
items, menu-driven, mouse support, many uses
perfect for engineers, contractors, or
anyone. Can be used as a PIM or to-do list
maker. Many sorts and reports available.
PX4VU1.ZIP 168564 05-05-94 Table Viewer for Paradox - allows you to
browse all Paradox 3.5 and 4.0 tables in a
specified directory. It builds a temporary
table of Paradox database files and opens a
scrollable list box into this table. From the
table list, any table can be opened and
PXCUSTSU.ZIP 92898 06-06-94 Sample customer summary form and report for
Paradox for Windows. Very nice, uses many
useful techniques.
QC21A.ZIP 185627 11-01-94 Colorcube 2.1a color graphics add-on for DOS
based database management
RECAP40.ZIP 150860 03-26-94 RECAP v4.0. Rosemary West (ASP) -
Intelligently corrects capitalization in data
files. It can be very frustrating to find
that some of your database records have been
entered in all caps when you didn't want them
that way, or that some have not been entered
in all caps when you DID want them that way!
RECAP will go through any dBase III-
compatible database file and make the desired
REPLC105.ZIP 37371 02-17-94 Find/Replace Function For Queries, Forms,
Etc. For Ms-Access
REPRTD.EXE 34816 11-30-93 Report Writer Documentation package for CPD
RESRCH66.ZIP 139812 03-15-94 RESEARCH: a database for organizing research.
Allows you to enter notes on research, evi-
dence, etc. You may enter such things as the
source, page, and line numbers where each
item you enter can be found. You may also
enter an eleven-line summary of the item and
indicate the subject category into which the
item falls. ReSearch can create printouts of
research data, sorted alphabetically by
subject, and read depositions from diskette.
RETRAX.ZIP 10370 07-04-94 Allows TraxTime 1.0 data to be used in the
new version.
RGTIME.ZIP 2689 12-13-93 Many Usefule Time Functions For CDD 3.0
RMS32B.ZIP 616098 03-20-94 RMS-III: Reference Management Syst. 3.2b ASP
(1 of 1) - For entry, search and reports of
biblio/reference data (with notes/abstract).
Portable dBase III data files. $45-55 lic.
Annotated menu driven system with many view,
and search options. Output to disk-file or
printer; list, card and user defined formats
for many publication requirements. Authority
and index tabulations. Import/export on-line
and CD-ROM formats by add-in module.
RPTPRO.ZIP 280688 05-16-94 Report Pro - Lite Version 1.0 - DBase Report
Writer ReportPro - Lite is DataPro's report
writer for its own vertical applications. It
has evolved into an extremely powerful
reporting tool boasting support for Complex
Relationships, Multi-Level Grouping, User
Definable Variables, Printing to
Screen/File/Printer, On-Line Help System.
RUNLOG22.ZIP 78497 02-21-94 RunLog v2.2 <FOS Enterprises> Easy-to-use
database for joggers/runners who want to keep
track of the miles they've run. The program
tracks miles, pace, best times, miles per
week/month/year, races, race times, and more.
Also has pace calculator, allowing you to
predict your split times and finish times
based on your estimated mile pace. Requires
EGA or higher, DOS. Author: F. Schipp Date:
21 Feb 1994
S3REJ12.ZIP 550911 06-05-94 S3 REJECT v1.2 - Small, powerful inventory
database package. Offers multiple indicies,
searches and reports. Stores part number,
descrip- tion, date, lot number, sequence
number, quantity, location, reason, vendor,
unit cost, unit price and overall
contribution. Excellent for tracking any kind
of materials or products.
SAYV20.ZIP 15800 01-06-94 Information Retrieval Program.
SBL_131.ZIP 46261 04-21-94 Synchronet BBS List (SBL) v1.31 External BBS
database program for Synchronet bulletin
boards. Another FREE program from Digital
Dynamics. Includes C source code! Extensive
information stored for each BBS entry. Users
can verify BBSs. Sysop optionally notified of
BBS list additions/updates.
Optional/configurable auto-purge of entries
after x number of days of non-update or
verification with user notification.
SBOOK13.ZIP 270206 02-07-94 Sandd's Book Guide v1.3 <ASP> - Library
catalog system. Collect and track your
reading material, great for education. Each
book is described with clear, easy to
understand fields and can have a large
description area. View Author history by book
or year. Comprehensive search capability,
Dewy Decimal sorting, and hundreds of
different reports. PCX/GIF picture support
add class to your database. Extensive
attention to detail make Book Guide the best
Book catalog software available!
SCH110A.ZIP 665897 03-06-94 SCHOONER VERSION 1.10 <ASP> Database
Application Development System- Complete
Xbase development system. Dbase file
compatible. Powerful language and 'INSTANT
RUN' system. Full set of graphics functions.
Clipper '87 compiler compatible. Registration
gets Ver. 2.00 GUI & image utilities to
create full GUI applications. Database
Applications JONATHAN COOK
SCH110B.ZIP 666326 05-04-94 SCHOONER VERSION 1.10 <ASP> Database
Application Development System- Complete
Xbase development system. Dbase file
compatible. Powerful language and 'INSTANT
RUN' system. Full set of graphics functions.
Clipper '87 compiler compatible. Registration
gets Ver. 2.00 GUI & image utilities to
create full GUI applications. Database
Applications JONATHAN COOK
SCM51A.ZIP 361866 04-01-94 SPORTS CARD MANAGER VER. 5.1 <ASP> Card/Set
collection management w/sorting, reporting
(subset or full collection value), plus
contact database of other card/set buyers.
Some users: individuals, appraisers,
colletion retailers and wholesellers.Req:512K
RAM, 1.44M floppy, AR 39.95
SCM51B.ZIP 35851 04-06-94 SPORTS CARD MANAGER VER. 5.1 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2
SERM201.ZIP 198161 03-11-94 SERMON v2.01 - database to manage sermon
SESSON.ZIP 93747 10-15-93 Runtime printer cntl from Devcon 93 session
SHOEBX21.ZIP 105517 09-08-93 Shoe Box 2.1 The little database that isn't
SM36J.ZIP 423231 09-07-94 Latest Update Of Supermodels Ver 3.6J
SMB_110A.ZIP 287236 03-28-94 Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.10
Released 03/28/94. Designed for high volume,
high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mail
storage and retrieval. Attention Developers:
Includes 79 page technical specification, 34
function royalty free C library, C source
code to message base utility program, and C
source code to conversion programs from QWK,
Fido (FTSC-1), Internet (RFC-822), and
Synchronet (v1c) message formats.
SNG202.ZIP 117442 02-15-94 SONGANIZER VERSION 2.01
======================= Full featured
database for the casual and serious music
collector! Complete mouse support, color,
easy data entry modes, fast database access,
report generator, custom user configuration
makes this program powerful, yet does not add
complexity for the user. See why Songanizer
is called "The Song Organizer".
SNS32.ZIP 279408 04-11-94 SEARCH-N-STORE 3.2. Much more than just a
card file.
SPLUSDBX.ZIP 369589 02-10-94 Dbmax Is An Xbase Utility That Allows
Multi-User Access
SPRTNX11.ZIP 352897 03-26-94 SportsNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for individual or professional collections of
sports cards in all categor- ies. Attractive
visually-oriented environ- ment. Report
writer plus packets labels. 7 sort command
options. On-line docs, calcu- lator and
text-search facility. Mouse/EMS support; wide
choice of printers. Any video; hard disk req.
Shareware; registration fee: $15.00.
SSII130.ZIP 206401 04-23-94 Software Susie II v1.30: Catalog software by
name, publisher, vendor,
shareware/commercial, categories, etc.
ST41C.ZIP 572058 03-16-94 SuperTemplates Ver 41c.. Compatible With 300
STAMP601.ZIP 300164 05-17-94 Organize Your Stamp Collection -v6.01 Catalog
any type of stamp from any country. Use up to
21 criteria to catalog each stamp, and
include a PCX image of the stamp! Fast!
Easy-to-use and fully menu operated. Just
fill in the blanks. Fully user definable!
Shareware by: HomeCraft
STARSR13.ZIP 320834 03-28-94 StarSearcher 1.3s The Professional Entertain-
er's Database. 500 Industry contacts (Agents,
Producers, Cruise Lines, etc.)included. Phone
Dialer, Appointment Booking Scheduler, Mail
Merge, Expense tracking, more! NEW FEATURES :
Mouse aware. Will Run under DOS or WINDOWS as
a DOS Application. Faster & Smaller than v1.1
Registration of $35.00 US provides latest ver
+ 3500 additional contacts & 2 bonus programs
STATUS20.ZIP 123782 09-18-93 Status Database Manager 2.02, long fields
STOWIT55.ZIP 119763 06-06-94 Stowit! Database Generator V 5.5 design your
own database records includes text data
STRK_101.ZIP 181395 07-14-94 SOFTRAK Software Tracking Database. A Simple
program which will log, locate and track all
of the software in your company. Sort and
search by publisher, location etc. Use to log
location of disks, manuals and installations.
Keep serial numbers, update dates, versions &
other pertinent information handy. Nuance
Data Systems, Version 1.01
STYLEX.ZIP 122568 10-14-93 Program DLL/Source to allow color changes at
SUDS22.ZIP 384347 11-26-93 Database, logging, and recipe pgm. For home
SYSLEM.ZIP 118461 06-10-94 System Information LEM For CPD
TELDEX35.ZIP 141609 03-13-94 Teledex Rolodex type card file database v3.5
TESTDA.ZIP 110672 05-03-94 Check All Data In DBF Files For Corrupt Data
TKB101.ZIP 301599 05-10-94 Track It! Books v1.01 <ASP> <WINDOWS 3.1>
Track, Organize and Catalog your book
collection. Select Category and Personal
Rating. Enter Title, Author, Publisher, Year
Published, Cost, Value, Date Purchased, ISBN,
Description, etc. Create your own Categories
and Personal Rating lists. Advanced search
facility. Create various reports sorted by
Title, Category, Rating or Year Published.
TKC102.ZIP 315805 05-14-94 Track It! Coins v1.02 <ASP> <WINDOWS 3.1>
Track, Organize and Catalog your coin
collection. Select Country, Category and
Condition. Enter Face Value, Market Value,
Year Minted, Mint, Mark, Quantity, Comments,
etc. Modify Country and Category lists to
your liking. Advanced search facility. Create
various reports sorted by Country, Category
or Condition. Help provided to determine
country of common inscriptions.
TKH102.ZIP 303212 05-10-94 Track It! Home Inventory v1.02 <ASP> <WINDOWS
3.1> Track, Organize and Catalog your
personal possessions. Select Category and
Room. Enter Item, Brand, Model, Serial #,
Cost, Quantity, Date Purchased, Where
Purchased, Description, etc. Create and
modify your own Categories and Room lists.
Advanced search facility. Create various
reports sorted by Item, Category, Room or
TKS101.ZIP 323124 05-10-94 Track It! Stamps v1.01 <ASP> <WINDOWS 3.1>
Track, Organize and Catalog your stamp
collection. Select Country, Topic, Stamp
Type, Condition and more. Enter Description,
Catalog Number, Face Value, Market Value,
Year, Quantity and Comments. Modify Country
and Topic lists to your liking. Advanced
search facility. Create various reports
sorted by Country, Topic, Stamp Type, Group,
Condition or Cat Number.
TKV100.ZIP 308856 04-15-94 Track It! Videos v1.00 <ASP> <WINDOWS 3.1>
Track, Organize and Catalog your video
collection. Select Content, Format, Category,
Rating, Personal Rating and more. Enter
Title, Stars, Producer, Year Released, Tape
Number, Counters, Description, etc. Create
your own Categories and Personal Ratings
lists. Advanced search facility. Create
various reports sorted by Title, Category,
Rating, Year or Personal Rating.
TPLADD.EXE 528335 04-23-94 Template Add-On's For Supertemplates QBE
TPMKR20.ZIP 95075 04-10-94 TapeMaker is a combination music database and
cassette insert printer.Will arrange songs so
cassette is filled with no blank tape left
TRACES.ZIP 624673 03-15-94 IT Traces Demo For Clarion 3.0
TREST232.ZIP 330751 03-10-94 TRACTOR RESTORATION v2.32 <ASP> - Database
program to keep track of expenses and time
spent while restoring vintage tractors. It
will maintain a database of parts dealers,
tractor shows, swap meets, etc. Includes an
appointment calendar and a pop-up calculator.
View and print reports and mailing labels.
Easy to learn and use. SHAREWARE $29.
Published by RMH Computer Services.
TXT2COMA.ZIP 10480 06-03-94 Q&D utility to convert an ASCII text file to
a comma delimited file. Useful for converting
program report output for input to other
programs. Incl EXE and TP5.5 Source.
USEVID.DOC 2115 11-07-93 Steps on using VID to debug your CDD 3.0 pro
VARIFORM.ZIP 749125 05-15-94 Variform database progaming environment How
would you like more custom deliverys per
programming week? Automatic advantages.
Reference data needs to be entered only once.
250 database management control options Share
or reuse queries.create once-use many Put on
premium quality finishing touches
cross-referencing tools make sure last minute
changes contain proper field names and
syntax. Cue lines remind users of what
actions are expected, and provide.
VCM.ZIP 504358 06-20-94 The Version Control & Maintenance System is a
either the client or the programmer to mainta
As a client, this system allows you to obtain
code. As a programmer, this system allows yo
programmer's database of source code. At the
can keep up with your modifications. All wit
program files. ASP approved. Note: This is a
Foxpro application and requi Contact C&R
Business Systems Ltd. Comp
VDNX11.ZIP 352890 06-02-94 VideoNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for collections of video cassettes and laser
discs. Attractive visually-oriented
environment. Report writer plus video labels.
7 sort command options. On-line docs,
calculator and text-search facility.
Mouse/EMS support; wide choice of printers.
Any video. VideoNexus is a popular program
worldwide. Registration: $15.00.
VERSCL.DOC 1293 11-07-93 Why vertical scroll bar doesn't work on Brow
VGA425.ZIP 185264 10-08-93 Individual patch for the VGA kit from 3.004
VGA7.ZIP 25504 01-26-94 Upgrade the VGA Kit from 3.005 to 3.007
VGA9.ZIP 306937 06-27-94 Update The VGA Color Kit From 3.007 To 3.009
VIDEO601.ZIP 299842 05-17-94 Organize Your Video Tapes -v6.01 Video tape
cataloging system that's perfect for movies,
TV shows, and even family videos. You'll know
what you have and where it is! Easy-to-use
Fully menu operated. Just fill in the blanks.
Includes graphics displays! Shareware by:
VIDNX11.ZIP 352736 03-13-94 VideoNexus 1.1 - RCCO Research Recordkeeping
for collections of video cassettes and laser
discs. Attractive visually-oriented
environment. Report writer plus video labels.
7 sort command options. On-line docs,
calculator and text-search facility.
Mouse/EMS support; wide choice of printers.
Any video. Shareware; registration fee:
VIEWSRCH.ZIP 41848 10-27-93 The VIEW Template with the runtime ability to
search a text file for phrases. Contains
VIS108.ZIP 193401 01-29-94 Video Information System 1.08.
VLB410.ZIP 288625 05-22-94 Video Librarian 4.10 Easy-to-use menu driven
program that quickly organizes and maintains
any size video library. Context sensitive
help, pop-up pick list for data entry. Holds
all the right info about your movies. Prints
numerous reports to the screen, printer or
disk. Prints labels for cassettes. The
VPHN141A.ZIP 50261 07-23-94 VBPhone 1.4 is a Windows phonebookaddress
book written in VB3.0. It features an
automatic phone number dialer with automatic
redial if 'busy'.
VXBASE_1.ZIP 354992 02-24-94 vxBase - create database apps for Windows.
NEW: 20 new functions; bitmaps; and
WDX14.ZIP 211143 07-10-94 WilloDex Address Manager version 1.4 Latest
release of this simple yet powerful phonebook
database. Search by names, company, or user
defined keywords. Export your data for use in
other applications. Easily handles thousands
of records. Nice looking screens. Shareware -
WML23.ZIP 366812 03-17-94 What Mailing List? 2.3 Manages lists and
prints labels, envelopes, phone book, zip
list on dot matrix or laser. Scalable & soft
font support. Import and export. Dup
checking. Smart Zip. Bar codes. Query.
Indices. Filters. 11-digit U.S. zip. *NEW*
Phone book, laser labels, & much more
WVH24I.ZIP 303365 07-27-94 What Vehicle History? 2.4i Vehicle service
history tracking, reporting, and billing plus
parts inventory. Tracks one or a fleet of
cars, trucks, tractors, big rigs, etc.;
mechanics, departments, cost of parts, labor,
etc. *NEW* Inventory enhancements. A Babudro,
Organic Computer Wizardry - $95
XFIRE11.ZIP 217403 09-11-93 Crossfire Paradox for Windows Library *S/W*
XTRDCT.ZIP 22681 01-20-94 Xtrieve plus descriptions of the CDD Data Di
YBA500C.ZIP 180734 03-30-94 EZX-Base v.YBA500c DataBase handler. Small
size makes it great for the "laptop".
Maintains quick and easy-to-use contact type
database. Prints labels, etc. Single, multi,
& network versions available. Fully
functional. No "screens", etc. Multi-user
licenses available. Only $19.95 Other Licn.
Available for low $ EZX P&D, Box 58177
Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
713-2809900/8180/8300/0099 Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
ZCT41.ZIP 1268451 04-15-94 ZipCode Tool v4.1 - 77,000+ entry zipcode
database, two 100 byte user fields, one 16K
Memo field and user maintainable. Only the
ZCT.EXE file has been revised.
ZIP7.ZIP 58809 01-25-94 Upgrade Zipcode library from 3.005 to 3.007
ZIPCD294.ZIP 815845 02-27-94 USPS Zip Codes in .DBF Format
ZIPDBF.ZIP 328045 03-16-94 Complete USA zipcode database in ASCII format.
ZTREE14.ZIP 286500 01-20-94 THE CALLING TREE v1.3n A relational database
program for maintaining tree like
organizational data. For organizations like
network marketing, emergency contract, or
political party matrixes. Registration $39.
_BASE16.ZIP 72896 02-13-94 7 Utilities For Clipper, Dbase, Foxpro, And
_SSINV21.ZIP 263399 03-14-94 Inventory 2.1 for DOS Requires !SSLIBR.ZIP
(for regular) or !SSLIBX.ZIP (for 32-bit
extended) to run. Shining Star Software's
Inventory program includes a vendor list,
rooms, categories, price, quantity, total,
'unlimited' memo description, mfr., model,
serial, purchase dates, warranty & more. Keep
track of items for insurance, personal, or
business purposes. It also includes
customizeable reports to screen, file,
browse, or printer. Includes a Diary,
Calendar, Capture, Text File edit and create,
and Calculator. Written in an event-driven,
user-friendly interface with multiple window
access, drop down sticky menus, mouse
support, hot keys, buttons, radios, popups,
search & replace, on-line help, & printable
manual. Supports VGA, color, monochrome.